Changelog | Streams

Sep 9: Move entries to top or bottom

To move an entry to the top or bottom, click the three dots menu and select "Move to top" or "Move to bottom".

Other improvements:

  • Improved messaging for unapproved sign ins.
  • Decreased chances of recommending content you've already saved. Still could happen but will happen less.

Sep 7: Concierge recommendations

For some streams, I'm going to review every recommendation that comes from overnight research. It won't scale but it'll help me understand the recommendations and where they need to improve. It'll also help me see how good the product _could_ be. If recommendations aren't great even with my curation, then I need to change something.

Concierge recommendations

I built an admin page where I can see the proposed recommendations, approve them, add my own, boost particular recommendations. Recording our recommendation decisions will create datasets for us to use on tasks like generating queries, filtering relevant results, and reranking.

Other improvements:

  • Improved overnight recommendations. For content we're sending you in our recurring updates, we're starting to target 1.) content that's been posted in the last ~four days and 2.) new areas of research we haven't explored yet.
  • Added further research with Perplexity to find things you might like when you add a new entry.
  • Fixed issue that was leading to empty emails.
  • Fixed issue where clicking a link option took you to the link.

Aug 26: Overnight research and email updates

Now, every night we'll research the web for things you might fw. We'll do a deeper dive to find things we've missed in previous research and look for new things that've just come out. For every stream you make, we'll use what we know about the stream and all of the feedback you've given us to research.

Overnight research and email updates

What's new:

  • Overnight research. I'm researching recommendation systems and the extra research Streams did overnight found "Exploring Goal-oriented Podcast Recommendations" from Spotify Research. I was pretty happy w this. This is the type of stuff I've been working on myself but honestly didn't realize others were working on it.
  • Email updates. Wake up to a list of new recommendations in your inbox.

Other improvements:

  • Reduced redundancy. Along with checking for previous entries and recommendations that have the same URL or title, before we recommend something, we make sure it's not too similar to something that's saved or recommended.
  • Improved our web queries. Now we're using keyword search along with neural search. In cases where we just want look some entity up directly, now we're getting much better results with keyword search.
  • Refined content filtering. Before we recommend something, we reason about whether or not the new recommendation is additive and appropriate based on what is being collected and what has been recommended.
  • Fixed bug where users received notifications for their own actions.
  • Added a toast notification after providing feedback to let you know we've started new research.
  • Before starting longer research task, we'll run a quick search to get initial results while we do further research.
  • Fixed broken fallback icons on Firefox.
  • Removed icons from stream lists to reduce visual clutter for now. They're a little bare, but at least it's easier to scan streams.
  • Temporarily switched to light mode only. We had some colors breaking in dark mode. As soon as I can, I'll fix up our dark mode.
  • Fixed issue where saving a bunch of entries one after another, the app would get slow. Now our research jobs run on separately deployed machines instead of our main app server.
  • Limited sign-ins to approved users only for now. I was getting spam sign ups which were leading to email spam complaints, and I was planning on doing this at first anyway.

Aug 15: Edit entry titles

After adding a link, you can now edit the title. If it's a note, you can edit the text.

Aug 9: Add notifications

Now when someone adds a link to a stream you've added to, you'll see a notification bell icon in the top right. When it's blue, it means you have unread notifications. Click it to see ur notifications.


  • Improved email subjects and previews.
  • Fixed titles and icons in the browser tab.

Aug 7: Open streams

Now you can make a stream "open", meaning anyone can add to it. When a stream is open, the title will be green. When it's private, it's red. When it's public but not open, it's our normal text color.


  • Simplified look of emails—now it's more clear they're coming from Streams.
  • Tightened up homepage and user profile stylying.
  • Make initial stream private by default.

Aug 6: Better recommendations

We're making recommendations better, starting with the ones you get straight away after creating the stream. The most important technical improvement in this update is that we now take time to clarify your intent when you create a stream. If you're collecting bakeries in your town, we don't want to just show you similar bakeries to the ones you've saved, we want to show you bakeries _in your town_. Taking a beat to make sure we understand your intent helps us do that.

July 29: Less crashing

Once in a while we'd get an out of memory error. That shouldn't happen very often anymore, but we still have some optimizations to make.

July 22: Clean up

Shipped some fixes:

  • Added entry text to all of our LLM prompts for planning, query building, reranking.
  • Fixed styles on changelog
  • Fixed toaster location, was getting in the way

July 21: Write into your stream

Along with adding links to your streams, now you can add notes. And just like links, we'll use your notes to find things you'll love.

Other improvements:

  • Navigations and headers are cleaner—dropped h1s and just using the nav for page titles rn.
  • Fix scroll issue that caused some streams to start scrolled down the page.

July 19: Introducing Streams

Hey there! Streams is an app to collect and find things on the web. Based on what you collect, we research the web every day to find you things you love.

The image is a split scene with the text 'DRESS FOR THE JOB YOU WANT.' at the top. On the left side, there is a busy urban street with people crossing, taxis, and tall buildings in the background. On the right side, there is a lush green forest with trees and grass. In the middle, a person dressed in a suit made of leaves and natural materials is transitioning from the urban environment on the left to the forest on the right, carrying a briefcase that also seems to be made of natural materials. The overall theme suggests a blend of urban and natural worlds, emphasizing the idea of dressing or preparing oneself for a desired, perhaps unconventional, occupation or lifestyle.

Features we have today:

  • Collect links in a stream
  • Get links recommended based on your stream
  • Give feedback to hone your recommendations
  • Make streams public so others can see them on the home page or your profile

Let's see how we go.